mystery bookshelf









Larceny & Last Chances

Superior Shores Press
June 18 2024

Mystery Most International

from The Mystery Patrons
April 2024

Les Prix Arthur-Ellis -3

from Les Éditions Alire
November 2023

Mystery Most Traditional

from Malice Domestic 2023 & Wildside Press
April 2023

Hook, Line, and Sinker: the Seventh Guppy Anthology

The Guppies chapter of Sisters in Crime and
Wolf's Echo Press
January 27, 2023

Moonlight & Misadventure
Superior Shores Press
June 18 2021

Mystery Most Theatrical
Wildside Press
October 2020

Heartbreaks & Half-truths
Superior Shores Press
June 2020

Best Laid Plans
Superior Shores Press
June 2019

Fishy Business
Guppies, Spring 2019

Mystery Most Georgraphical
Malice Domestic, April 2018

Mystery Most Historical
Malice Domestic, April 2017

Fish Out of Water
Guppies, Spring 2017

The Whole She-Bang 3
Canadian Sisters in Crime, 2016

The Whole She-Bang 2
Canadian Sisters in Crime, 2014

Susan Daly
Woman of Mystery

Writer of a whole bunch of short crime fiction, scattered through lots of anthologies

"Hail Mary Blues"

My new short story about
a valuable viola and moral ambiguity
is part of
Larceny & Last Chances
the fourth mystery anthology from
Superior Shores Press
June 2024

Auckland Museum, CC BY 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
Find out more here

"The Far Shore"

This tale set at a wilderness lodge in
Northern Ontario is part of
Mystery Most International
a new mystery anthology venture from
The Mystery Patrons
April 2024

Find out more here

« Mort au presbytère »

I'm delighted that my 2017 short story,
"A Death at the Parsonage", has been reissued in French by Les Éditions Alire
Les Prix Arthur-Ellis -3

Alire's third collection of Arthur Ellis Award winning stories
November 2023

Find out more here

"Tamsin & the Church Ladies"

My new short story is part of
Mystery Most Tradtitional
the latest crime anthology from Malice Domestic and Wildside Press
April 2023

St Nicholas - Birchcliff
Find out more here

"The Americanization of Jack Mackenzie"

My newest short story can be found in
Hook, Line, and Sinker
the latest crime anthology from The Guppies Chapter of Sisters in Crime, and Wolf's Echo Press
January 2023

Find out more here

Another Night with the Duke

"My Night with the Duke of Edinburgh"

I enjoyed writing this story so much in 2019 , I was delighted to give it another outing when Judy Penz Sheluk announced her third anthology,

Moonlight & Misadventure

published June 2021

"Death of Another Hero"

My latest short story,
a tale of betrayal and revenge,
is part of Mystery Most Theatrical
the latest crime anthology from Malice Domestic and Wildside Press


An amateur theatre group revives the success of their play from 25 years ago.

Find out more here and at my blog

"Deep Freeze in Suburbia"

I'm so excited to be a part of Judy Penz Sheluk's second anthology, Heartbreaks & Half-truths from Superior Shores Press

A Cabinet Minister with a secret past.
A true-crime novel purporting to Tell All.
Something's going to give.

Find out more here and at my blog

"Spirit River Dam"

This was a tale that came out of Judy Penz Sheluk's call for stories for her anthology,
Best Laid Plans,
What if an art gallery owner finds a previously undiscovered painting that just might be a Tom Thomson? Or perhaps not...?

Find out more here and at my blog

published June 2019

"My Night with the Duke of Edinburgh"

I had a ton of fun writing this Caper story for the Guppies Anthology,
Fishy Business,
published Spring 2019

"Murder on the Northern Lights Express"

My latest short crime story is part of the
Malice Domestic 2018 Anthology
Mystery Most Geographical

May 25, 2017

Arthur, hanging round my front door.

The Arthur Ellis Awards are now known as the
CWC Awards of Excellence

A refugee from the mind-numbing, soul-destroying worlds of banking and insurance, I have at last found peace and happiness killing off deserving victims and restoring order in a world increasingly in need of justice.

What amazes me even more is finding that people like my short stories, and even buy the anthologies they're in. Yes, yes, I know that's how it's supposed to work.

It's still amazing.

Author photo credit: January 2024 selfie, with lovely new sweater


in Miniature

Check them out

My short story
"A Death at the Parsonage"
won the 2017
Arthur Ellis Award
for Best Short Story, from Crime Writers of Canada

Now known as the CWC Awards of Excellence

Sisters in Crime - Toronto Chapter

Crime Writers of Canada

Sisters in Crime - Guppies

Sisters in Crime - The Mother Ship

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